Wednesday, 11 June 2008

When Denmark just isn't good enuff!

Besides a really shitty government, there are other things that make Denmark just not good enuff! One of those things is chocolate. They do not have Ritter Sport Sommersorten! Which is a special type of Ritter Sport chocolates, just sold in the summer months. Obviously I got a really bad pregnancy craving for them, so I forced my parents to send me some.

Another food related topic where Denmark fails is convenience food. I do love to cook, but there are days when I'm too tired, and the few choices of convenience food that exist are really bad. I don't understand it, everyone in Denmark works (outside home), there are no housewives or -men, this should be paradise for convenience food importers!

In knitting related stuff: I moved most of it to ravelry (yay for ravelry).

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Saturday, 7 June 2008

I'm back! ish...

I don't know yet if I will start posting regularly again, but today I will post a WalkWithMe. I used to live a lot closer to Dragør, just a 20 minutes ride on bicykle, but now it takes almost an hour with the bus. But it was worth it: