Monday, 4 May 2009
He can turn around from back to belly!!!! He had been a little bit of a challenge all day long, looking rather unhappy, but smiling too. He didn't really want anything or nothing, not lying on the floor, neither being on my arm. So URGHH. He often finds lying on the kitchen floor rather interesting, so I tried that, as we needed clean bottles anyway. Suddenly I could hear *bump*, and there he was, lying on his belly! He wasn't looking too happy though, and a bit surprised. He started to cry, so I turned him around, and then he turned around on his own again, this time much more controlled, without hurting himself! All in all he did it four times! He dislikes lying on his belly, so of course he hasn't turned the other way around, which normally is the easy way. Lets see if lying on the belly is more fun, now he gets there himself!