Lets start with my parents house! Well actually it seems there are no pictures of the house itself, but of the garden there are. The weather was bad, it alternated between raining too much and raining way too much. Here is a picture of my parents sitting in the garden, not realizing there is a big black cloud with lots of rain approaching.
And this is how it looked shortly afterwards.
A good thing about my parents house is my mothers reading corner.
Lets go for a walk then, shall we?
Close to my parents house there are a lot of multi-storey buildings, that used to be really ugly. For a lot of money they made them quite a bit better, some years ago. Look for example at this huge green bubble, its hiding the rubbish bins!
Every now and then there was a little bit of sun, making it possible to take nice pictures of orchards.
Look there is my kindergarten! I really liked that place, but I hated that I always managed to be the last one arriving. According to my parents it wasn't easy to wake my up in the mornings. It still isn't.
That is one orange house!
I wonder if there is living more than one family in this house. I do have a better picture of these houses, but the sky looks so dramatic and beautiful that I prefer this one.
This was the after-school thingie were I had to go for a while. I guess it wasn't that bad, but I remember running home in the evenings as fast as I could, imagining they would catch me and keep me there, if I was too slow O_o.
Flensburg btw is a really pretty town, being situated at the Flensburg Fjord. Just around every second corner there are spectacular views.
In the background you can see Duborg Skolen, one of the school of the Danish Minority I went to. Don't sent your children there, with few exceptions the teachers are just shit. They can't really get Danish teachers to this area, so they take everyone who applies.
This was part of my way to school. O_O I had well trained leg muscles back then!
We also had some free entertainment. The following pictures were taken out of the living-room window at my parents house! Look at his gun!